Un viaggio nella Fotogrammetria

“A general journey in Photogrammetry” is an ISPRS- WG V/1 project developed in the frame of Education and Capacity Building Initiatives, founded in 2018 by the Council. The project aims to produce and share new and updated educational and training resources useful for supporting tutorials, workshops, seminars about the latest advances in digital photogrammetry, considering that highly automated procedures for image orientation and dense image matching allow photogrammetry to become a widely used technique in ever more numerous fields and by increasingly less specialized operators.

Therefore, it is necessary to find new ways for teaching the fundamentals of the discipline to beginners and to update professional skills as well.

Team project: Grazia Tucci (University of Florence, Italy), Anjana Vyas (CEPT University Ahmedabad, India), Vikram Sorathia (Kensemble Tech Labs, India), Satwant Rihal (California Polytechnic State University, USA) ISPRS Technical Commission V – Education and Outreach
Producer: GeCo Lab University of Florence Grazia Tucci, Valentina Bonora, Lidia Fiorini, Erica I. Parisi

Executive producer: La Jetée

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I progetti-chiave della storia del Lab


corsi I e II ciclo, seminari, workshop​


convegni, mostre, conferenze


le persone

Portfolio media

Docu-video, 3D models

Progetti di ricerca, corsi di laurea e di specializzazione, conferenze, seminari, eventi, workshop

Racconti che ripercorrono l'anima del Laboratorio: la ricerca, l'insegnamento, la geomatica

Pubblicazioni, portfolio multimediale, le persone del team, contatti